Kuan Pang

Hi, I'm Kuan. 👋


I am a Computer Science Ph.D. student at Stanford, advised by Prof. Jure Leskovec.

My research interests focus on AI4Biomedicine, particularly in developing spatial-temporal models for predictive biology, machine learning-guided experiment design, and self-driving labs.

Previously, I did my B.S. in {Computer Science, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, and Statistics} @ University of Toronto and had the fortune to work at Vector Institute with Prof. Bo Wang.

selected publications


  1. bleep.gif
    Spatially Resolved Gene Expression Prediction from Histology Images via Bi-modal Contrastive Learning
    Ronald Xie, Kuan Pang, Sai Chung, Catia Perciani, Sonya MacParland, Bo Wang†, and Gary Bader†
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2024
  2. scgpt.gif
    scGPT: toward building a foundation model for single-cell multi-omics using generative AI
    Haotian Cui*, Chloe Wang*, Hassaan Maan, Kuan Pang, Fengning Luo, Nan Duan, and Bo Wang
    Nature Methods, 2024


  1. maester.gif
    MAESTER: Masked Autoencoder Guided Segmentation at Pixel Resolution for Accurate, Self-Supervised Subcellular Structure Recognition
    Ronald Xie*, Kuan Pang*, Gary D Bader†, and Bo Wang†
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2023
    Selected as Highlight(top2.5%)